Easing Social Distancing?

Earlier this week, state governors around the country started easing restrictions on parts of their constituents’ daily lives. States like Georgia have decided that allowing small business, including barber shops, to open to allow their owners to recover some of the their lost revenue. Is this the right move in light of where we stand in the midst of a pandemic?

  • Some say yes. Small business owners have had their revenue grind to a halt since March, when overarching social distancing rules were implemented across the states. As a result, the Federal Government has undertaken its most expensive legislation in national history, the CARES act, to help stimulate local businesses. This included direct aid to some eligible individuals and businesses, and forgivable loans for the a 2 month period meant to be used for employee payroll, rent, and utilities, among other standard expenses.

Even in light of this aid, the real concern of the small business owner is whether their revenue streams are sustainable. Once society is officially given a “clearance” to resume living, is it safe to assume the risk of contracting COVID is negligible? Not necessarily. Because of this, businesses cannot assume their typical revenue will pick up automatically. So, to many small business owners, the sooner we get started, the easier the road to recovery.

Others, say no.

Many point to other nations who have been profoundly affected by death tolls and case numbers of COVID. Meet Italy. Given its high aging population, prevalence of tightly packed communities, and relative lack of medical intensive care infrastructure prior to the pandemic, the country was devastated by loss from the highly contagious virus. There is some light finally showing now, however to demonstrate a “flattening” of the curve regarding incidences of newly infected patients. This likely stems from the country instilling a near martial-law type of social restriction to limit the spread of disease.

Will the US have a grim wake up call to return to near complete social distancing? It depends, of course, on how much quicker COVID-19 spreads, in light of reduced restrictions. Hopefully, we are able to slowly start resuming our lives and regaining our financial independence. I, for one, will be watching with a mask on through a Zoom portal.

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